Thursday, June 1, 2006

Family is Fortune

I didn't always care for them, and certainly they barely understood me, but between the eight of us and the misfortunes of Fate, gradually we were forced to lean upon each other, my siblings and I, when we recently became orphans in the storm.  None of us have another to answer to but ourselves. It's the most hoped-for yet disturbing set of circumstances. Who are these people who have my features, some my timbre of voice, others my eyes, still others my love of music and all things baroque?  

By this time I know each personality well, and honestly find I have favorites, others seem to just appear at family functions.  Now that no parent exists to feed into our guilt, we're finding our places in the line of family, our purpose without a parent, who we are alone and unaided.  It's a pleasing, most surprising realization to be able to say that all eight of us have come to a wondrous place of truth, where we now see each other through new eyes of love and need.  This was unexpected ...

So I lean upon you, my siblings, and invite you to place your burdens upon me, while together we attempt to traverse this part of our lives, orphans though we be.  Yet we're all the stronger for the newly discovered love we have for each other, now when it's needed most as in all things true.  I now see clearly my own reflection in your lives, and hope my own life does you honor, as we live it to the full.   



Anonymous said...

powerful entry Cathy.

Anonymous said...

Luddie you never fail to touch my heart with your writings.  This entry is so very compelling.  It is very heartening to know that when ones parents pass, that siblings can come together and find themselves in each other and love one another for whom they are, themselves, indiviudals though they be.  For our family we have been orphans for many years.  Our family for all intents and purposes ended with my parents passing.  It is so lovely to see  that your family are one of those who trancended the loss of your parent and see that a different kind of love exists within your family.


Anonymous said...

What a nice entry!  I like it. Hugs and GBU, Shelly

Anonymous said...

Very nice entry.  I wish the same thing could happen in my life.

Anonymous said...

Lovely entry! Coming upon the weekend. Wanted to say howdy & hope you have a good one!
Hugs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

Beautifully and thoughtfully written, Luddie..


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment in my journal. I have been reading through yours and find it quite interesting. I only have one sibling. I can`t imagine what it must be like having so many like you do!