Friday, August 4, 2006

No Article Found, Etc.

Just a quick blurb to let every caring, compassionate person who wanted details about little Polly left abandonded, I couldn't find anything in my local paper.  The other night, a couple only in their early 60's died in the night during the 112 degree heat here in Newark, hottest in the country, when they went into heat exhaustion then stroke.  The power was down in many parts of Jersey yesterday, there's always a surge in demand when people come home from work.  So the Sheriff's Office was starled to note all the windows were closed and basically this couple were mummified.  Their neighbors said they were paranoid of everyone, always thought young people were out to hurt them, which wasn't true it was a fine neighborhood.  But can you imagine what it must've been like for them, no power, no air, they just fell into heat exhaustion and it's a fine line from there to heat stroke.  The "cooling centers" all over the city are packed.  All these things happening because of our weather, all over the world, can anyone remember a time this happened?  I can't, we used to be able to depend on the seasons growing up.  And if children were being left alone in cars, or houses, or if pets were being ignored or thrown out, we never knew it.  Were we just not paying attention?  I just don't know.   

Frankly, I think the worldwide weather patterns changing so drastically like this is only the beginning.  The earth does go through normal fluctuations but not as quick as this one.  Now it's finally breaking with some thunderstorms in my area, but people are sick and some are dead. 

Think I'll have a meditative conversation with the Good Lord, just to relieve my heart of this pain.  God is the answer and love is the key.  I don't know why I should worry ..... but I do.       


Anonymous said...

I saw the article about the little girl in the paper.  It was just a little blob.  Then I heard about the couple.  Is there ever anything good?


Anonymous said...

I actually looked it up after I read your entry yesterday.  I found the article.  The mom would come back periodically (supposedly she worked OUT of town), and drop of money so the girl could order a pizza or something.  I can't even fathom such behavior.

I feel bad for the elderly or any one who has to deal with this kind of heat, and have no A/C.  I just can't imagine.


Anonymous said...

It's certainly incredibly hot here in the state of Texas. We've had a few reports of children dying in the heat due to gross neglect of adults!  It's so heartbreaking.  I wanted to drop by and thank you for the comment you left over at my journal. I do hope you know that even if you've only had an AOL journal for a day you are a part of the 3rd anniversary celebration!  It's not about's about community and once you're involved!  So do you have any ideas on what we should be trying to do in a short period of time (the anniversary date is August 21st) to celebrate the success of AOL Journals?  If so, please send them my way  :)


Anonymous said...

you would think parents with small children (and pet owners) would know better.
i think our senior adults are afraid to reach out for help, afraid that they may "be put in a home", and those with some dementia probably don't know what to do.  That is why it is so important to check on those you know about.  Call them, go knock on their door whatever to see that they are ok.


Anonymous said...

good entry Cathy! scary story! I feel veyr sad for them

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that Cathy, All we can do is hope poor Polly is looked after now. As for the elderly Newark couple, they are not alone. More than 40 people, most of them elderly have died as a result of the excessively hot summer Europe is experiencing. However, it is not unique. There have been heatwaves like this in the past, with deaths associated with them. All we can do is look out for ourselves and those nearest and dearest to us, our neighbours etc, to make sure they are OK. If we all tried to help those next door to us, no one  need die such a horrible death alone, and the world would be a nicer place,

Anonymous said...

This weather is insane  Poor folks.  Abandoned by their family and society. From the time I was a child I was taught that our elderly are revered and loved.  I went almost ever day to visit the little elderly couple next door.  I would take them some cookies or something Mom had baked.  We'd have a soft drink.  She'd play the piano.  It was a very nice time for me.  I loved em dearly.  One of them got sick and they moved away to be nearer their families.  I hope they lived out longer healthy lives.  Hope you have a good weekend.