Monday, May 27, 2019


You're going to feel anger, disbelief and the urge to find these people and curse them out.  Loudly.  WATCH it, then I'll tell you what you're really seeing.  It happened in the City of Brotherly Love, Philly:

What you just saw was a social experiment in how people react to certain situations.  You'll notice the man prepared for his "seizure" then fell down - looked so real.  Sadly, people either ignored him or gathered to stare.  Then the worst thing, a "thief" comes by to rob the stricken epileptic and took his wallet.  Notice how he was able to walk out of Walmart with no one doing a thing.  This social experiment was set up to gauge peoples' instinct to help, to feel compassion for another human.  I wish it had been different, but I don't believe this is how all humans act toward each other.  In my heart, I know good people are all over the world, ready to offer help and support to anyone who needs it.  Where were those people on this day?  WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE?  

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Off to Mars !

So I'll never make it to Mars, so what.  Seems my NAME will lol.  Thanks to NASA Voyager on Twitter, they're accepting the names of interested people who want their names aboard the famous Atlas rocket launching July 2020 to the Jezero Crater on the red planet.  The names will be engraved on a chip, probably thousands, and we land in February 2021.  It may not be me, but it's as close as I'll get, I'll take it!