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It breaks my heart to know people will use the power of fear to keep others under control. Or to feed an ego, or maybe just to rile folks up so they can make money. Can I ease your mind about the real pandemic we're experiencing? It's not a flu strain, it's baseless fear.You'll be hurt more by the fright than this flu, called the H1N1 virus, I'm sure common sense can assure you of that truth.
People have died, as they always do and always will, from viral infections all the time. Continually, daily, nightly, weekly, monthly, yearly, humans die from viral strains. It's life. This recent flu, the H1N1 or "swine" flu virus, is actually a combination of the human influenza, and the porcine (pig) virus. That's why it had no vaccine right away.
Similar to the avian or "bird" flu strain in how it developed, it recombines with human influenza to form a totally new strain to which people are not protected.
Personally I'd never get a vaccination for anything, I'm an adult with a healthy immune system - not to mention:::A vaccine is made from the "bug" itself,
they culture the virus, fool with its DNA called attenuation, and inject it into you, hoping your body will produce antibodies to fight that particular viral strain. Naturally, many people get very sick.
Scientists are doing what they always do, to contain this so-called pandemic all over the world, as they've done many times before - from the 1913 avian flu to the yellow fever strain. It's the people who profit from these infections that really sicken. A virus will sometimes lay dormant and reappear in an animal or human population years later, that's it's nature. The crime is that you're lead to believe how you must react to outbreaks like this, and so much is done to insure you do.
A "pandemic" is just something that once was in one place, and now is in many places. Nothing to be hysterical about. So I have a few folks to yell at. Vigorously.
First VP Joe bye-bye Biden. What's your problem, sir? Getting on mainstream media and telling the country you isolated your children, kept them home from school, won't let them play with other kids, etc., what utter irresponsible fear-mongering!
And the Catholic Church. Replacing the handshake of peace with the "nod" of peace - are you simple? Are you entirely without care for the fear your spreading so much worse than any virus? So careless, so wrong. It's hard enough to get on in life, why scare good people like that?!
Actually, there's a very good reason to keep people misinformed and frightened. It's called Personal Profit. Think of all that's involved in creating a vaccine to fight a particular strain of infection. Tamiflu for instance, made many people rich(er). From legislators, researchers, then pharma-criminals getting the vaccine into the right hands, they're all profiting, the creeps. They don't care about you and me, only themselves. Who can live like that?!
Children need not be isolated. Just keep your hands clean and don't cough and sneeze into people's faces. Isn't that just common sense, what we do anyway?
You know, all the viral strains humans are susceptible to can be traced to a time when people started letting their animals live in close
quarters with them. That is the absolute truth, any virologist or epidemiologist will confirm that, and paleontologists know that once we started domesticating animals and herding them, tending and living with them closely, we developed these blood infections all coming from domesticated animals. Like sheep, goats, pigs, chickens, turkeys, cows, even pigeons.When the animal viruses made their "species leap" into the human
population, we started developing these new strains, including HIV-1, the only virus causal to AIDS. And that's it. Nothing to run screaming into the night about, it's not the healthiest atmosphere to live in but this is what we have. It's life. The real "swine" here are the lying fear-mongers who have some personal agenda to profit from, like pharmaceutical
companies, by keeping us all in the dark, injecting vaccines, frightened and isolated.
PLEASE don't fall for it. Please don't be afraid. If you chose to get a flu shot, it's okay - just know that's it's the common shot always given during every flu season - nothing special - and it's a good idea if you're very young, very old, or your immune system is weakened. You'll feel better if you just get educated and dare to think for yourself.
Good Friday afternoon to you, Cathy.
Thank you for logically eradicating FEAR (FANTASIZED EXPECTATIONS APPEARING REAL) of the Swine Flu in such a detailed, practical and resssuring way.
EXCELLENT in every way!! You need to copy and paste this to email so it can be spread faster than the virus ever could!! Common sense prevails here, yet the media and drug companies profit in ratings, stock and sales! Hugs, Lisa
Right on! Chill. We are organic beings.
Hi, what a great post!!
I will say that if you have a compromised immune system, you do have to be cautious....I caught the nasty stomach bug that went around last fall, it led to a lot of complications, and with my hubby going through treatments for cancer, I have cautioned friends/family members to please use common sense when visiting.
But I agree with you 100% about the absolute nonsense and misinformation that has been spread about this latest flu.
thanks so much!
I've wrote on this.
The bird-flu has reached it's aim:
Tamiflu has disappeared from the market.
Yes, they do it to sell drugs.
Trust me.
My other blog is about it in mental health.
Prozac never take things like that.
Not even for depressed people it works.
Health became a commodity.
Amazing but true.
Thank you for this post.
Not even as bad as the normal flu bug, but it gets all the negative press. I wish people would learn the facts before they open their traps.
Great post- the press were great in England. London Evening (sub)Standard ran a headline with "20,000 Londoners could die... " The report that they based this on estimated between zero and 20,000 fatalities- so the headline could have read "NO Londoners will die..." I guess that would not sell so good!
People will always get sick and die- the concentration of millions (literally millions) of animals in factory farms create a super breeder for virus transmission that will make these outbreaks keep happening. Sadly the intended product of these farms (junk food) will probably kill more people through obesity related disease than any viral agent.
Thanks for daring!
I feel much better. I wasn't really scared to start with but it's always glad to hear it from someone who has a good head on her shoulders. Love to read you!
Hello My Dear I'm back in the land of blogging, pop by when you can. As for this mastery I've just read of yours, at last, I'm not the only person who's not worried! When you think of the amount of people who die every year of regular flu, this is small fry.
Brilliant post. Gaz xxxx
Hi Lovely, great post, I so agree if its not mad chicken cow, pox, terror, terrorists, obesity, annorexia, smoking, drinking, the planet, la la la.. it's something else. All designed to keep us in fight or flight mode and stop us from thinking. As always you 'dare' to...)
Have a fabalicious weekend,
If I wish to learn about something and get the right facts and a very simple explanation, I just come to Luddie's blog. You have written this so well, I totally agree my dear friend, the media hypes everything up, the vacines come out, and everyone runs the doctor and it is the pharmaceutical companies, doctors and media who profit from such hyped up stories.
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