Greetings, Constant Reader!
I'd like to put a question out, gender specific. Think about it and if you dare, comment accordingly. Take all the space you need, I'd really appreciate details.
If you had no choice: Would you kill your child to save your beloved lover's life?
If you had no choice: Would you kill your mother to save your beloved lover's life?
For those without children or lovers, pretend.
Thank you for anyone answering this, I know it's painfully honest but that's what I'm asking for.

No. I don't have the nerve to kill anything. So the answer to all the questions is no.
I'm a wimp.
I just can't answer that question because I don't have a husband or a child, and I've never even been in love.
I live for my child they are part me , I would rather die than harm them
My son comes before anyone if that helps answer your question.
No. I wouldn't kill my kids for anyone, even hubby and he wouldn't want me to.
be well...
I'd give up my life for my child--no question. :)
Unequivocally, absolutely no way would I kill my child for anyone and I mean anyone. The most treasured gift God gives us is our children, grandchildren and our Mothers they are very precious, could never conceive of harming them, but I would fight to the death for them and you know I would my dear friend.
To kill my mother would be to negate my own life.
Being married about a decade now, proofed me time and again, that I should have heard at my 'inner voice' and choose truth over surfacial impressions, as she trys to change into something I not am.
However killing her...haven't reached that stadium yet...would however be glad to die to make my child life, mother alike.
Difficult for me because I don't have children or family.
But if I had to kill no matter who to save my children I would.
If I had to kill to save the most important person of my life I would.
To save myself also.
I believe that all human beings are capable of killing.
Dearest Ana: Yes, of course we are, all other animals are, for different reasons. I appreciate your answering in the best most honest way you could. I had a sinking feeling most would answer from over-emotional bonds and not logic, since no one ever really believes they'd ever have to perform such a dreadful task. But that's America, not other lands where parents are forced to sacrifice their children daily. Surely, they could answer more fully than we can I guess.
oh, i've no doubt that, in certain circumstances, i would do ANYthing to protect and/or save my children - anyTHING! same with defending my own life -
however, in answer to your specific question for women as to whether or not we would kill our child/ren to save a lover - please! - absolutely NO - the man would have to go - cut and dried answer -
Would I kill one of our childern to save Pete's life? No. Or more specifically not unless one of them was crazy on dope and about to kill him. Then I'd probably take whatever force I could to stop them, even if it resulted in their death. But under any other circumstances I can imagine I would not kill one them to save him. And he would not want me to. I have no doubt that man would saw off his arm with a dull blade and no anesthesia to save one of his children. So if it were reversed and you asked would I kill him to save one of them, the answer is yes. Because once again, he'd want me to.
Cathy, you sure ask hard questions. I read through the answers and most people assume they have a choice, but your question says "no Choice" so it means that somebody is going to die.
I'm a man with no lover, a deceased mother I never liked and a grown child who doesn't like me. If I had all three and had NO CHOICE I would do in the one who was the most unhappy, just to put them out of their misery. I know that sounds heartless but its my answer.
cathy - my mom will be 86 years old tomorrow. if i had to choose, my mom would be the one to go. for my wife, she should choose our children every time. . .
I have an award for you.
Came to receive it if you want.
I saw your answer today. I have already asked myself this in many states of mind and the answer never changes.
The question I would never know how to answer is Sophie's Choice.
Same here. We also have parents having to sacrifice their kids daily for other violent reasons.
But for me this is another issue.
Your question answers itself. "Given no choice" to me means, I'd have to kill.
Any other circumstances would have to be defined.
I have an award for you, sweetie!
Come and get it if you want:
I would only kill if the person I killed was hurting another. My mother would tell me to go ahead and kill her, because my mother loves me. My lover would tell me to kill her because she loves me. I might also take the ages into account, if Mom were 100...if child were an infant or 16, but I am a very loyal person and killing my partner of 30 years after all she has done for me would be nearly impossible. I hope you tell us why you ask. Whoever I kill, I kill myself, as my love would be great for all of them. I would die of a broken heart.
Ok, now I read the comments (feels like cheating if I read them first) and I see why you ask. Being able to be romantic and in love, to give to one's child is indeed a cultural and social-economic luxury that not all have.
Maybe I am too pragmatic but unequivocal love vs romantic love? You just don't throw your mother from the train.
Caregivingly Yours, Patrick
I can honestly answer that my Mother would not want me to sacrifice another for her to live. She would want to give herself up for the deed.
Dear Kathy, thank you so much for your comments about H1N1
I do not think that most shots have bad chemicals in them like mercury and others...
I know that the nasal shot does ahve these Kathy!
I could not kill anything but my mother or father would not have wanted to survive their children or grandchildren
love and hugs
Very valuable information
It is remarkable, very amusing message
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