So is this not wonderful news? A NEW STAR - KEPPLER!! In a galaxy very close to ours.
Yet that's not the best, we've discovered 1200 NEW PLANETS and 6 of them are IN ORBIT around Keppler. Meaning they are perhaps, earth-like.
Any star that "blinks" like Sol (ours) and Keppler, is doing that because "something" is circling it, in orbit around it, that's how they determine which planets are worth a closer look. Hope they keep looking! Imagine what kind of life might be hanging out on one of those six planets. Non-complex, like algae? Or....

Perhaps something more advanced.........
Cathy..it's been aeons since I've been to your blog!! What a nice read- catch-up that I've done.
1200 NEW PLANETS?? Wow!!
I think we have enough problems in our own planet to wonder about others. But hey....to each his/her own thoughts/opinions.
Thanks Gina, but if I may - it's not the amount of earth's ills that count here, it's the striving beyond all sensibility of humankind to keep reaching out, out, until he finds that answer - what ELSE is there once we find the edge of the universe? Another one? Sure we could give more attention to this planet but we've been pretty lax so far, I think what we've learned by our mistakes here can help our future progeny, who will make it out of this Sol-system, be more planet-friendly and educated about this cosmic miracle.
That is amazing but one of the things that I fear is that this IS as advance as life is in the universe... it is as likely as it it not, if you ask me...
Not to be an alarmist, but the existence of a new and possibly vital planet near us will scare the hell out of some people with fat check books.
do you believe Niburu - or Planet X as some would have it - has entered our solar system?
Kevin Sorbo wouldn't lie huh?
Boy are you deluted!
dear Kathy
hugs big time!
dear CAthy
I love those positive statements you made in your comments! awesome!
Love, natalie
DANNY: I have to say - with respect - that the IRAS images are designed to see objects the eye cannot, and if such an immense body were in the sol-system we'd certainly see it. However, IRAS did pick up images of many objects not expected, which turned out to be our own galactic detritus. Other "spots" could've been distant galaxies certainly. However, no planet. Nirburu was supposed to have destroyed earth back in early 2000's, remember? If it were a planet it would have an orbit, using its own gravity certainly - it doesn't fit the definition of a planet, to my mind. Thanks for asking!
MR ANONYMOUS: I'm confused by your cowardly remark. What exactly is Sorbo "lying" about? He's got eye trouble, he was pretty sick and responding to fans, which I'll probably always be. Would that folks like yourself could do as much for others - by "like you" I mean people who can't quite grow the balls to leave their name to a comment - esp one that doesn't belong here. Please ignore me.
Dearestr Cathy,
so darlin' do you still think that there are a large number of aliens out there/ please let me know!
love natalie
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