Saturday, September 23, 2006

Forgive Them, Father, They're Just Babes

Once again, my good pal Jerry sends me into gales of laughter with these funnies he finds.  These are things children said overheard by adults - mostly in school or church.  Only kids, eh?  Have a laugh: 


A woman was teaching her 3-year old The Lord's Prayer, and one night she came in to see her daughter kneeling at the bed, saying, "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us some e-mail, Amen."


Here's one 4-year old's version:  "And forgive us our trash baskets as we forgive those who put trash into our baskets."


A little boy was overheard praying, "And Lord, if You can't make me a better boy, don't worry cause I'm having a real good time like I am."


Little girl explaining a commandment to the nun in school:  "Thou shall not take the covers off your neighbor's wife."


It was kindergarten class, a little boy suddenly starting running around the room shouting, "I have a pain in my side, I think I'm going to have a wife o no!" 


A nun overheard this one:  "Our Father who does art in heaven, Howard is his name ..."


"And why are we supposed to be quiet in church?" asked the nun.  A bright little girl answered, "Because people are trying to sleep." 


Thanks again, Jerry! 






Anonymous said...

((((((((((((((((((((LUDDIE)))))))))))))))))))))))To funny,thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

LOL....Now thats what we all need right now is laughter! Thank you for sharing. :o)

Anonymous said...

These are hilarious!


Anonymous said...

LOL  Thanks so much for sharing these.
Hugs, love and prayers

Anonymous said...

These are so cute!  I've read them before, but they still bring a smile to my face!


Anonymous said...

Good ones.

Anonymous said...

So sweeeeeeeeet. Children are precious. These are so cute!!
Much love,

Anonymous said...

this is so adorable!  thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

Very cute!
Martha :-)

Anonymous said...

LOL~!  Very cute. : )  Hugs and GBU, Shelly

Anonymous said...

cute! hugs,nat

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hi I came across your journal and I was wondering If i could put you on my alerts. You are also invited to read my journal. I like your writting. This one is so cute..Hope to hear from you.Christine

Anonymous said...

Very things are well

Anonymous said...

Heard these before, always funny & makes me smile. {{}}

Anonymous said...

soo cute.


Anonymous said...

LOL these are so funny!  Thanks for sharing them!